Saturday, December 27, 2008

AHRC Human Rights Correspondence School (HRCS)

Lesson series 16: National Security Laws (Internal Security Act, Emergency Laws etc.,)

Through ISA governments give themselves and their agents the authority to implement acts which in normal circumstances would be illegal.

Illegal arrests, detentions and unfair trials under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

Since the enactment of the ISA in 1960, thousands of people, including trade unionists, student leders, labour activists, politicians, academicians, NGO activitsts and members of religious groups, have been arrested and detained without trial for indefinite periods. The ISA provides for “preventive” detention without charge or trial, solely on basis of the opinion of the Minister for Home Affairs that the detention is necessary in order to safeguard the security of the nation. Former detainees have reported that they have been tortured, especially in the first 60 days of solitary confinement and incommunicado detention in a police cell, when they are pressured to admit to the alleged crimes.

Q. Who has the obligation to supervise the observance of these limitations?

A. The Judiciary in the country

In particular, the higher judiciary. Thus, the need to hold the judiciary accountable.

For example, it will be useful to study what has happened in Malaysia in recent decades. At present, the ISA is used by the Malaysian government without there being any National Emergency. The ISA is being used as the “normal” law and not as law imposed during extremely abnormal situations. In this way, the liberty and civil rights of the citizens is at the mercy of the politicians or a politician.


1. What role has the Judiciary in your country played with regard to national security laws?

2. What happens when the Judiciary does not intervene to examine the validity of government use of such laws?

3. Do you have similar cases from your own country or other countries you know?

B. UNITED NATIONS Human Rights bodies

T here is urgent need to encourage states to become parties to UN Treaties, by signing and ratifying, in this case, at least the ICCPR

Example: Malaysia is not a party to ICCPR. Thus, the UN bodies functioning under ICCPR are unable to intervene on gross violations of human rights there and on the abuse of ISA.

IV. Some Problems for discussion

1. A group of persons who have not violated any normal laws are kept under detention. The authorities claim that the detention is justified under ISA. How will you criticize this position? What will you do to get these people released? What will you do to abolish the ISA?

2. ISA regulations state that the Judiciary has no right to examine it or to declare it invalid. How will you criticize it? What action will you take to nullify it or abolish it?

3. If some bad judges do not want to hear cases regarding ISA or similar laws, what will you do?

Future lessons will deal with other areas of the SA such as freedom of expression and access to information.

About AHRC

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) was founded in 1986 by a prominent group of jurists and human rights activists in Asia. The AHRC is an independent, non-governmental body, which seeks to promote greater awareness and realisation of human rights in the Asian region, and to mobilise Asian and international public opinion to obtain relief and redress for the victims of human rights violations. AHRC promotes civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights.

For reference:

1. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)

2. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)


I need neither kinship nor friendship.
What i need is to be alone to think... to find out...
The one thing that's got me through everything in my life... The one thing i could always trust... has been my isolation.. which has never been more certain than it is right NOW.
Therefore, please keep your hands off, asshole! ... and then leave me alone... all my life. I beg mercy of Your Satanic Majesty.
What the hell am i going to be? Yup, i might going to be driven mad soon... i guess (and i afraid).
I hate myself. =(

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

Saturday, August 30, 2008

25 August: 自怨自艾的紙飛機

25 August 2008 is Jia Jun's 22nd birthday, but i don't know even where is she...

Paper plane Paper plane
How soft & light you are
Hope to ride you in the air
Up to the high clouds fair
Reach abode of heavenly realm

Paper plane Paper plane
How soft & light you are
Gracefully flying your wings’ pair
Look as if to a land rare
Yet you are always there
Mission is what this plane bear
So let this Paper plane
Lightly tapping my sorrowed heart
Carrying away all my sads

Paper plane Paper plane, how cruel you let me down...
Just like every dawn has its night.

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

Saturday, August 2, 2008

SUARAM Human Rights Roadshow

in conjuction with the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Workshop (Topic covered):

Introduction to Human Rights
* Human Rights Principles and Concepts
* Human Rights and Law
* UDHR and Malaysia constitution

Police Power
* Video Screening
* Mission and structure of PDRM
* Arrest and investigation of police
* Road block/Search
* how and where to make human rights complaints

* Photos of human rights violations
* Books & DVDs
* Leaflets & Brochures

Free Admission All Welcome

* Please book your place early as places are limited.

For Inquiries, call Wong Chai Yi at
Tel: 03-77843525 / 012-7771152

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

悼 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生

日 前 從 報 上 獲 悉, 畢 生 致 力 于 推 廣 我 國 音 樂 藝 術 事 業 的 音 樂 工 作 者- 尊 敬 的 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生, 不 幸 已 在 民 國 九 十 七 年 七 月 二 十 七 日崩 殂, 離 開 了 我 們。

和 老 師 曾 有 一 面 之 緣, 依 稀 記 得 是 在 民 國 九 十 二 年 于《 黃 河》 和 平 歌 舞 劇 上。 當 時 的 我 就 好 像 一 位 小FAN 似 的 捧 着 老 師 的 音 樂 作 品 集《 星 夜 行 程》 索 求 簽 名。 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生 還 親 切 的 詢 問 我 是 在 學 習 哪 種 樂 器, 并 勉 勵 我 精 進 向 上。 老 師 的 循 循 善 誘, 莫 不 敢 忘。 可 惜 的 是, 一 年 后 堪 稱“ 音 樂 白 癡” 不 通 音 律 的 我 最 終 還 是 不 得 不 選 擇 了 放 棄 二 胡。 雖 然 如 此, 當 得 知 老 師 不 幸 罹 病 癌 癥 后, 內 心 仍 默 默 祈 禱 老 師 抗 癌 成 功。 奈 何 天 妒 英 才, 滄 海 雨 泣, 文 化 晦 冥, 攀 木 腐 心。

民 國 五 十 年 代 末 六 十 年 初, 就 在 那 共 匪 逆 賊 發 動 文 化 大 革 命, 大 陸 同 胞 如 沸 如 焚、 中 懷 饑 溺、 臥 火 抱 冰 的 年 代; 就 在 那 熱 血 青 年 紛 紛 投 身 人 類 自 由 與 奴 役 制 度 之 爭, 為 正 義 而 反 共, 圖 民 族 之 復 興, 求 國 家 之 完 整 的 年 代, 在 時 任 中 華 民 國 駐 馬 副 領 事 的 蕭 副 總 統 萬 長 先 生 的 努 力 下, 臺 灣 當 局 慷 慨 的 提 供 獎 學 金, 資 助 不 少 倍 受 當 時 聯 盟 政 府 沙 文 主 義 教 育 政 策 打 壓 而 面 臨 出 路 無 門 的 獨 中 生。陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生 就 是 其 中 之 一。 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生 毅 然 只 身 赴 臺, 入 讀 師 范 大 學, 主 修 理 論 作 曲。 民 主 臺 灣 的 那 段 歲 月, 為 老 師 日 后 的 音 樂 專 業, 奠 下 扎 實 的 根 基。

回 國 后, 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生 無 私 的 為 本 地 特 別 是 南 馬 的 音 樂 藝 術 作 出 巨 大 的 貢 獻, 可 謂“ 鞠 躬 盡 瘁, 死 而 后 已”。 除 了 較 為 人 熟 悉 的 在 民 國 七 十 七 年 與 詩 人 小 曼 共 創 二 十 四 節 令 鼓 外, 老 師 更 是 大 馬 現 代 詩 曲 的 啟 蒙 者。 與 長 提 彼 岸 鄰 國“ 新 謠” 相 對 稱 的 新 山“ 馬 謠 交 流 站”, 便 深 受 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生 的 影 響。 在 老 師 不 遺 余 力 的 推 動 下, 南 馬 特 別 是 新 山 的 合 唱 團 如 雨 后 春 筍 般 紛 紛 成 立。 新 山 能 夠 從 一 個 眾 所 周 知 的“ 文 化 沙 漠”( 想 當 年 大 將 書 行 在 新 山 開 設 分 店 不 久 即 夭 折 嗚 呼) 轉 型 成 一 文 化 氣 息 濃 厚 的 都 市, 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生 該 記 頭 功。 遺 憾 的 是, 老 師 一 生 為 在 新 山 設 立 一 間 有 水 準 的 音 樂 廳 而 奔 走, 卻 始 終 不 能 如 愿。 新 山 音 樂 廳 之 夢 想, 竟 成 老 師 未 了 的 遺 志。 文 化 建 設 尚 未 成 功, 文 化 界 同 仁 仍 需 努 力!

恰 恰 就 在 不 久 前 的 七 月 二 十 日, 團 結、 文 化、 藝 術 及 文 物 部 宣 布 把 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生 列 為 國 寶 級 文 化 遺 產 在 世 人 物, 以 肯 定 老 師 為 推 動 文 化 而 作 出 的 偉 大 貢 獻。 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生 得 此 稱 號, 可 謂 當 之 無 愧。

以 印 度 圣 雄 甘 地 說 過 的 這 句 話, 來 做 為 本 文 的 總 結, 我 想 是 最 為 恰 當 不 過 的 了:
“ 當 人 把 一 生 奉 獻 給 一 件 事 情 時, 祗 要 他 在 這 樣 做, 他 已 經 是 個 偉 大 的 存 在 了。”

謹 以 此 文悼 陳 老 師 徽 崇 先 生。

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

Friday, June 20, 2008

PKR : Choice Between Laisser-Faire Economy and New Left Economy

I agree with the Gov’s decision : Let the self-correcting mechanism in the market resolves the oil & food crisis in long-run because i believe that nobody can avoid from Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand. However, i don’t negate the people’s rights to hold a street protest. Thus, i support the existence of 6 July Protest, but NOT its goal : to against the Petrol price hike.

But what most worry me is the New-Left (or Populist) economics promoted by some Oppositions. For example, re-distribution of land and RM6k to give away to poor family. These ridiculous suggestions may help Pakatan Rakyat Coalition State Gov to gain their own political fortunes, surely will bring big trouble to Msia Economic in long-run. I don’t negate that the low income-Msians may suffer from Globalism. I sympathize the farmers from South Korea also. But i believe that only with the existence of Trade-free lead to upgrade our productivity and then resolve the shortage of Oil & Food supply in long-run. We should learn from the lessons in Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Their stupid and populism Gov pampered domestic corporation with subsidy and protest them with trade barrier, despite the huge National Debt. As a result, central banks have no choice except create more money and then led to stagflation nationwide. Finally whole country was bankrupt! Thus, i prefer to Libertarian Economic than Keynesians’ Big Gov.

In Msia, i guess Anwar Ibrahim is an opportunate choice. In my view, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) is just like a Rojak, a centrist political party consists of various convictions. On the other hand, it encourages interparty democracry. That’s also the reason why i prefer to PKR than the radical Democratic Action Party (DAP). I hope Azmin Ali, an America educated-libertarian economist can keep a balanced relationship with Dr. Syed Husin Ali, the pro-left leader in PKR.

However, my confidence on Anwar Ibrahim shaked by his recent action. As a result, now i’m trying to understand PKR’s ideology : “ promoting social justice, economic justice, eliminating political corruption and human rights issues within o non-ethnic framework” and its Agenda Ekonomi Msia (AEM) first before i confirm my mind-set.
And of course, i’ll always continue to against the crony capitalism by Barisan Nasional (BN) with no doubt. In this sense, i match with the left-wingers’stand. But in principle, my view is completely contrary with them. Although i thank and cherish the contribution from left-wingers like Parti Komunis Malaya and Parti Buruh in building Msians’awareness, but this does not mean that i accept their point. I’m a right winger who pro-Kuomintang instead.

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

Friday, June 13, 2008

Inflation Arising From The Oil & Food Crisis

Despite compliants of people, the Gov resolved to raise retail prise of petro and rice drastically. In my personal view, i throw my full support into PM Abdullah, who courageously pursue public interest regardless of the political consequences. However, we shall not ignore the social costs that inflation has imposed on Malaysians.

Inflation ranks high on people’s list of major national problems, generally even ahead of judicial partiality. However, most of us have many misconceptions about it. Some believe that inflation systematically erodes the purchasing power (the decline in what money will buy)of wages, are appalled by rising prises even when wages are rising just as fast, and blame inflation for any unfavorable changes in relative prices. What a crock of shit! The wages people earn are also prices (prices for labor services). During a period of inflation, wages also rise and, in fact, the average wage typically rise more in step with prices. Thus, contray to popular myth, workers as a group are not usually victimized by inflation. Nor does inflation lead to “unfair” prices due to the working of economy’s self-correcting mechanism that cures the inflationary gap. Of course, not all of the costs of inflation are mythical. For example, inflation redistributes income in an arbitrary way that distorts society’s distribution of income. The actual income distribution should reflect the interplay of the operation of free market and the deliberate efforts of Gov to alter the distribution. Infation interferes with and distorts this process. In addition, senior citizens who are trying to scrape by on pensions suffer badly from inflation. Other costs of inflations include regulation of public utilities & interest rate and so on are also very real indeed. As a result, people consider inflation to be something bad inevitably leads to alarming political leaders manage the economy in a way that promotes their own political fortunes (esp the unreasonable and ridiculous MPs from DAP) rather than stabilize the economy through Adam Smith’s invisible hand.

In recent years, Malaysia have encountered stagflation that often follows in the aftermath of an inflationary boom arising from Oil & Food Cisis. First, the nations constituting the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) got together on a collusive agreement to limit production that succeeded in rising the price of crude oil. To Malaysian consumers, this showed up as a substcutial increase in the price of petrol. To Malaysian firms, this action meants that one of the important inputs into their production process-energy-rose drastically in price, thus increasing the cost of doing business. Second, crop failure (because of poor weather and other factors) in many parts of the world sent agricultural prices soaring. Because food prices are an important component of the cost of living, this shortage added directly to inflaction. And it also contributed to inflation in two indirect ways. First, since some agricultural scraps are used as an alternative energy source, the higher agricultural prices led to higher energy prices. Second, the accelerating consumer prices encouraged labor to strive for more generous wage increases. The general lesson to be learned from these two crisis is as important as it is clear: The typical results of an adverse supply shock are a fall in output and an acceleration in inflation. This is the only one reason why the world economy is plagued by stagflation recently and it can happen again in future if another series of supply-reducing events take place.

Although the economy seems does indeed have a self-correcting mechanism that tends to eliminate inflation, its beneficial effects on inflation are sometimes swamped by strong infationary forces such as the rapid increases in aggregate demand. On the other hand, the self-correcting mechanism cannot always be relied upon. Thus, the Gov should play its role in fighting inflation, the evil of macroeconomics. But the question is how should the Gov’s ability to fighting inflation through fiscal and monetory policy? Don’t forget, the cost of reducing inflation by restrictive fiscal and monetory policies is a temporary rise in unemployment! Infation can be caused either by rapid growth of aggregate demand or by sluggish growth of aggregate supply. Thus, the Gov have many choices to make such as rising taxes, cutting Gov spending (for example, cut down the Ministries’ allowance), adjusting the open market operations and so on-can be used to decrease aggregate demand. However, some people favor Gov policies that encourage the growth of aggregate supply. Some possibilities include reduce taxes on earned income to encourage people to work harder; reduce taxes on corporations to encourage more investment, and thus faster growth of the capital stock; reduce taxes on interest and dividends to encourage more saving; and provide greater support for research and development (perhaps through tax incentives) to improve technology and then speed up the growth of productivity. These four policies all share the same goal: expansion of aggregate supply.

The conclusion, no matter which policies may possibly play the role in the fight against inflation, particularly in the long run, the Gov “must seek to reduce inflation at a lower cost in lost output and employment” (Jimmy Carter, January 1980). Consequently, a number of suggestions have been offered for eliminating the inflation. Some of these plans have actually been tried, others are still untested ideas. They range from governmental exhortations to hold down infation to outright prohibition of wage or price increases. They include efforts to improve the functioning of labor markets, plans to enlist the tax system in the battle against inflation, and institutional changes designed to rob inflation of its social costs. Although each of these ideas is worthy of consideration, the Gov must understand in advance that none is a panacea. The war on inflation, the evil of macroeconomics will last years, not months.

Source of Reference:
Economics – Principles and Policy (1982)
By William J. Baumol & Alan S. Blinder

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Forgetful S. Subramaniam

Once again the BN Gov go back on its word in general election campaign that promise a 4 sides-highway from Segamat to Muar.

In the Parliament debate recently, the Gov formally(and overbearingly) declared to postpone it sine die without caring about the feelings of Segamat people.

Disappointingly, S. Subramaniam, MP for Segamat seems pretend ignorance of this issue. The debate was requested by Halimah Mohd Sadique, MP for Tenggara who is also a veteran politician in Johor. While our S. Subramaniam has forgotten all about his election promises. He seems prefer to visit the MIC branches nationwide in order to gain personal support rather than fulfil the obligations of a MP(to serve the people).

Stand up! Segamat people! Together we shout the willing to risk anythg in our fit of desperation!

Pressure on the corrupt and inept Barisan Nasional!

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

Friday, May 30, 2008

A Religion to Believe? Or An Education to Practise?






Happy Wesak Day! - Year 2552, Buddhist Calendar

Best Wishes,

Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

I Swear!

It's really a hard time whle life w/o her...
I could hardly hold myself up whle she turn me down...
I've been in paradise, but i've never been to me...
I've been to experience some sufferings of the past in my life, but she tops them all...
I let myself go to the dogs aft she turned me down. I quit my job, and sat at home feeling sorry for myself...
Time alone will efface those pleasant & unpleasant memories, i guess (and i hope)...
If there’s anything she need, i won’t be far away, i swear...

两个都是她送的… 杯子是去年情人节;水瓶是去年圣诞节。
虽然两个都是作为礼貌性的回礼;都是代表着拒绝的意义… 但是我会好好地珍惜的。
我只知道,我这辈子做得最对的事情就是跟随她transfer outlet;最错的是吓到她。

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

Tribute To Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek






伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook






反观大马,似乎只满足于中小型工业的成就。大马拥有天时(政治上的相对稳定如军方的中立、免于冷战的旋涡)、地利(丰富的自然资源和策略性的地理位置)、人和(英国殖民地时代留下的行政官僚制度和英语国际商业环境),就是独缺一个具有前瞻性、有魄力的计划!将来就算有,恐也会沦为另一个贪污的温床,哀哉 !

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook





伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates...

“Forrest Gump” is an enchanting and creative parable about a contemporary holy fool.
The film tells us the story of a simple man through life, meeting historical figures, influencing first-hand events while largely unaware of their significance, due to his low IQ of 75.

Much of Forrest’s philosophy comes from his mother. Forrest often recalls her favouritesayings, “Mama always says ‘Life is like a box of chocolates... You never know what you’re gonna get.’” and “Stupid is as stupid does”.

Mama always had a way of explaining things so Forrest could understand them. “Don’t ever let anybody tell you they’re better than you, Forrest. If God intended everybody to be the same, he’d have given us all braces on our legs.”

On his first day of school, Forrest is befriended on the school bus by a girl named Jenny. “I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.” “She was like an angel.” From that day on, Forrest and Jenny was always together, just like peas and carrots.

“I’d never named a boat before,” but there was only one Forrest could think of. The name is “Jenny”. The most beautiful name in the wide world.

Jenny’s death cause Forrest to question the nature of life. “I don’t know if Mama was right or whether it was Lieutenant Dan. I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental- like on a breeze, but i miss you, Jenny.”

Kleenex moment: Forrest Gump visits Jenny’s grave under neath their tree in Greenbow, Ala. ‘I miss you, Jenny,” He says. “If there’s anything you need, i won’t be far away”.

There is a long and fascinating tradition of the holy fool in spirit literature.Those people follow the dictates of the heart and are often able to affect great works of mercy and compassion. Their brand of selflessness is free of reason’s madness and the ego’s frivolous grandeur. Holy fools play no heed to the wordly pursuit of power, status, or financial success. That is why they are usually deemed crazy and forced to live as lonely outsiders.

The world will never be the same once you've seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump.
Hopefully, Forrest Gump will encourage many of us to express aspects of the holy fool inside ourselves.

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

Unreasonable Mahathir


伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook

巫统: 腐败? 革新?






伟伦Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
Also available on : My Notes @ Facebook