Saturday, August 30, 2008

25 August: 自怨自艾的紙飛機

25 August 2008 is Jia Jun's 22nd birthday, but i don't know even where is she...

Paper plane Paper plane
How soft & light you are
Hope to ride you in the air
Up to the high clouds fair
Reach abode of heavenly realm

Paper plane Paper plane
How soft & light you are
Gracefully flying your wings’ pair
Look as if to a land rare
Yet you are always there
Mission is what this plane bear
So let this Paper plane
Lightly tapping my sorrowed heart
Carrying away all my sads

Paper plane Paper plane, how cruel you let me down...
Just like every dawn has its night.

伟伦 - Believer of Pure Land (Sukhavati) Buddhist Sect
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